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Option 5 Try Two-Part-Install: If none of the options above work, we recommend doing a two-part install process. General Troubleshooting In order to find the root cause of the build issue open the log file associated with the package you tried to create and look for some key items. Turn off all cache plugins: Many of the popular cache plugins have been known to create issues when you go to create a package and re-install your system.
It is highly recommended that you turn off all caching plugins while creating your package and add the cache directory to the directory filter list. Option 1 The Plugin is configured for the wrong admin-ajax protocol. If the wp-admin URL is "https" vs "http", then switching protocols may solve the problem only switch if wp-admin is https. Some hosts prevent the server from calling back to itself localhost. The Fail2Ban service may also be responsible. When accessing the wp-admin area a popup login window shows, then basic authentication enabled.
It's possible you have a security plugin running that's blocking things. If you suspect this to be the case submit a support ticket. Pending State: A package in the pending state often indicates that a package created by a schedule can't be processed due to an AJAX communication failure. Use this plugin to optimize your tables and get rid of unnessary data. Also look for tables that may have un-useful data when migrated.
Consider removing any extra data from your database. Filter Table If you have a very large table that your host will not allow for the plugin to process then you can filter it out on the archive database tab and then manually move the table over. This can happen on lower-end budget hosts. The zip process is getting killed by the server, due to limited resources. This will help you to identify if the issue is purely related to site size. And let you know which archive engine works best on your server.
Next adjust the ZipArchive Buffer Size. These rules are a general guidelines, if you find out that the build is working with the 2 seconds to 1MB ratio then it should be safe to slowly increment the buffer size by 10MB increments.
These types of errors indicate that the server is running bit PHP and the site is over 2. If you are running bit PHP and the site is large greater than 2. Almost all hosts support 64 bit PHP these days. Option 3 Perform a 2-step migration which minimizes the package size. This technique is described here. Problem During the build you get a log message that indicates a table doesn't exist in the engine.
For a full overview see this article. Option 2 If you can identify the source of the issues such as a plugin then try to filter out all the plugin tables and also filter out the plugin directory when you build the package. Then on the destination system just install the plugin again. If this is not desirable you might contact the plugin author and ask them how to repair or reinitialize the table that is showing issues. Issue A How to resolve 'Zip warning: No such file or directory' issues?
Determine what plugin is actively writing or removing files on your site. Option 2 Filter Cache directory If you can't determine which plugin is causing the problem, add the cache directory to the file filter: Click Enable File Filters Click the cache link above the Directory box. DupArchive is a robust archive format developed by Snap Creek specifically to work better on budget hosts or in restricted environments. Typically this would be backups created by other backup programs or even nested WordPress sites.
Option 3 Check Disk Space ZipArchive close problems can also be caused by lack of space on your account. Log in to your host panel and observe how much space you have left. If the amount of space left is less than 2x your site size, go through your account and look to eliminate unneeded files.
If this is not an option, talk to your host about increasing your disk quota. Note: If you have Duplicator installed on the same site be sure that no other backup plugins are running at the same time this can lead to close failures. This setting forces a ZipArchive close response after so many files have been loaded. This process can help with FCGI setups.
If your package is not building with this setting it is recommended to turn it off. Option 5 Two Part Install Some hosts are configured in such a way as to limit resources available which can lead to ZipArchive close failures.
One way around this is to do a "Two-Part" install. The process for doing is described here: How to do a Two-Part Install. Post-Build After the build process completes. Issue A Why did my scheduled build get canceled yet manual builds work fine? WordPress does not have an active thread running so in order for a scheduled package to build it has to be kicked off and run when visitors are hitting your site.
A side effect of this option is that it causes builds to run slower and timeout. If it is enabled, uncheck it. If the package builds then you are good and the package should not time out. Option 2 Consider setting up a remote cron schedule that will generate consistent traffic to your site.
For full details to this process see How to make my scheduled build run on time? Option 3 If there is very light traffic occurring when the schedule is supposed to run, the package build can actually time out. Option 1 When running multiple Duplicator plugin instances on the same server on some hosts , the PHP process depending on architecture might have conflicting overlaps. Since each site builds the package file independently, they may interfere with one another.
Some web servers are setup in such a way as to only handle the activity on one site at a time this is not common on most hosting platforms. A quick fix for this is to switch your schedule start time on each site. Make sure each site has a unique daily start time so if all of your sites are set to run at 1am, then try to offset each one by X minutes depending on the size of the site, with your smallest sites running first.
Overview The plugin uses a mechanism similar to WordPress' standard cron scheduling which requires someone to visit the site for an action to occur. This means if you don't have any visitors at the scheduled time, the package won't build until a visitor requests a page. It's designed this way because the web server only reacts to visits and doesn't have any active threads running.
To make scheduled builds more accurate: Move the scheduled time to a time when your site normally has visitors. This lessens the impact to site responsiveness but slows the backup a bit. Schedule Accuracy To guarantee a schedule runs on the time a user sets up the schedule; users can use a third party service to help.
This can also be especially helpful in the event the "Client Side Kickoff" setting has been enabled. This process involves setting up an entry in cron-job. To use this service please follow these steps: Goto cron-job.
Even though the request will be coming in every minute even when no build job is running, it would require very little processing so the simple request will not impact your site performance. Custom Crons: Plugin users should not use custom WP-Crons or plugins like WP Control Cron Manager to setup custom cron jobs because they are all limited by the same thing that Duplicator is limited by.
Since WordPress has no active threads it requires traffic to start the execution of any logic, which is why the remote request is the best route to take. Issue A Package Downloads How to resolve package files archive or installer that will not download or show errors? The browser may block requests to non SSL assets based on server mime types.
Solution 3 Disable. Then try to download the installer or archive file from the main menu or the package details screen. Solution 4 Adjust Mime-Type: If you have issues downloading the these file types. Check with your server administrator on how to make sure the correct MIME types are configured for download. A quick setting for Apache web servers is to create or edit the. Add the following text to your.
Other web servers will have similar configurations. Please check with your server administrator for your proper setup. If you can not download the installer. Solution 5 Browser Settings: Check your browser settings to make sure that the save as dialog is designed to pop up for the the following mime types.
Also consider switching browsers for any kind of download issue, even if you are only getting a partial download. Solution 6 WordPress URL Settings: On some servers trying to access https port when you are on http port 80 or vice versa can cause issues. To fix this issue we recommend using SSL on all parts of your site. Before making this change please read through all the steps in order to be aware of how to back-out of the change if needed.
We recommend that you test these steps in a staging environment before trying on a production one. For a full overview on how to change these values back see this article. Solution 1 Backup Installer: In the event you can download the archive but not the installer, you can always obtain a copy of the installer from within the archive. Inside of the archive file at the root is a backup copy of the installer named installer-backup.
If you need to extract an archive. Solution 2 Rename Installer: Some hosting providers very few will not allow php files to be downloaded or created directly from their servers. In this case you can rename the installer file that is created during the build process.
When the installer file is created it will create it as "installer. This will allow you to download the file, but it will need to then be changed to installer. There are several common reasons for a slow build: Unnecessarily Files: Look for large file warnings during the scan report step.
Problem When creating a package or exporting plugin settings the results of malformed utf-8 characters notice is present. After that, rebuild the package to see if the issue goes away. Note: This setting is only available in Duplicator Pro. Option 2 Setting Migration: If you are using the settings migration export tool and see this error then data stored in the settings, templates, storage or schedule area has become corrupted.
Check the data in the failed area to make sure the data is correct. If the data looks correct consider re-saving the data in that respective area. If the problem persists consider removing the items one by one to isolate the setting that is causing the issue.
Install Backup The installer process can be ran in the following modes. Pre-Install Before the install process starts. Import Install This Duplicator Pro only feature is the easiest way to install a packaged Duplicator archive. Users can either Drag-n-Drop or Link an archive file for rapid installs.
Overwrite Install This process is very similar to the "Classic Install" except that it depends on an existing WordPress site content to be present vs and empty directory. This process requires that you upload both the installer and archive files to the destination server with WordPress already installed. For full step-by-step instructions see Overwrite Install section of the the Quick Start guide. The "Classic Install" process requires that both the installer and archive files are uploaded to the destination host in an empty directory.
For step-by-step instructions see the Classic Install section of the the Quick Start guide. Database Only Install Running the installer in "Database Only Mode" is useful when you only have database changes or a large site where all the files were moved manually.
The full details of the Database Only Install can be found in the quick start guide. Solution 1 Self Discovery: You can easily find the domain to server path location by simply following these easy steps: Create a file called test. FTP the test. Keep moving the file around in the various directories on your server until you can locate the test. Solution 2 Contact Host: This is by far the fastest way to locate the proper path.
The physical path on a web server will map to a domain name and inside of your hosts control panel will be various ways to manage this process. Could you please point me to the full path for where this domain name points to on the server?
Thanks Once you have received the path from the host, place the installer and archive in the path they have provided. With this many options Duplicator has chosen to keep the process simple and allow users to safely update their own configuration files vs trying to parse millions of different combinations.
Below is a quick outline for how. Build Process: When an archive. Installer Step 1: When archive file is extracted in Step 1 it will extract the file in this.
This is by design so that the. Trying to run the. This allows for the advanced options in step 1 to considered if needed. Installer Step 4: After step 3 is ran either the. If the advanced option is chosen then the. Installer Step 1: When the installer extracts the archive. Installer Step 3: In step 3 on the options WP-Config file tab there are optional parameters to add to the wp-config. Installer Step 4: This process will generate the wp-config. Workflow Database Workflow Below is an overview of the database workflow that takes place when a database is created and then re-deployed to its new location.
The below outline covers the installer when used in advanced mode which contains four steps vs the two steps found in basic mode. Installer Step 2: The process will execute the SQL data file and install an exact copy of how it was built into the specified database choose in the installer step 1 Installer Step 3: This step is where the database data is updated to support its new environment.
The update engine runs through every cell in the database looking for the old URL of the source site old site replacing it with the destination site new site. Emails When you migrate a site to a new domain, by default the emails associated with the source domain are not touched.
For example if a. There is an option that lets you change this behavior, so the email domain is switched as well. To enable this option in advanced mode see step 3 of the installer. Workflow When installing the archive to a new location, nothing should happen to the old domain where the archive was created. However there can be a few scenarios that play out that make users feel like the old domain was updated.
If your on the same server and setting up the database for Site B you accidentally connected it to Site A database. A WordPress redirect plugin if you have one installed may have not properly gotten updated during the install and is pointing to the URL on Site A. A web server configuration file such as a.
This option is really rare but its always a good idea to double check the files. This is an uncommon scenario but can happen if you're moving sites on the same server and do not pay attention to the database or even the location where you're installing the archive. Please be sure you know the exact name of the database and the exact location of were you place the archive and installer files Forum Thread: Below is a forum thread that lays out this issue with several different users, and should address most of these scenarios.
What is happening to the site on the old domain? During the Classic Install process on Step 1 Pro and Step 2 Lite of the installer you will need to connect to a database. You have several options when it comes to setting up the database: Option 1 Hosts Control Panel: Create a database and user with your host's control panel. Then assign the user full rights to the database.
Here are the basic steps: Login to your hosts control panel and find the section to create a new database Create the new database and copy down the database name Create a new or assign an existing database user to the database and write down the database user name Open the Duplicator installer.
This mode will allow you to overwrite an existing site and reuse that site's database and existing wp-config. During this process you will be notified of the existing database and database user of the site you are about to overwrite.
Check the values and click "apply" and the existing database settings will be used. Note: This option will wipe out your current site and database data. Option 4 Change the install process to use the Import Install Mode. This process will use the database settings of the currently installed WordPress site where the import is taking place.
Option 5 Within Duplicator Open the the installer step 1 Pro or step 2 Lite From the database action drop-down choose the 'Create New Database' option In the Database input type the name of the database you want to create Type in the name of an existing database user. Duplicator does not create a new user. On most hosting providers the database action option to 'Create New Database' is not supported, this is a restriction of your host not Duplicator.
To watch the database process checkout these two videos: Follow Along Step-By-Step starting of How to setup database in cPanel. In the event you no longer have a copy of the installer. Follow these steps to get the installer file.
Download the archive. Inside of the archive will be an exact copy of the original installer file in the root of the archive file. This can be helpful if you are experiencing timeouts, slowness or general extraction issues. Transfer both the installer. This mode will simply skip the installers extraction process. Solution 1 It's highly desirable to have little to no downtime when moving a site - but how exactly can you install the new site while the DNS is still pointing to the old site? Below is a table of what is currently supported.
If issues arise with a specific host try the download directly from your browser and if issues arise then contact your host. Dropbox Dropbox is currently supported. AWS This is currently not supported. Google Drive This is currently not supported. OneDrive This is currently not supported.
If Imunify is not installed its possible you might have a. In this case we recommend letting your host know or just trying Solution 2 or 5. Solution 2 Manual Upload If the file or link upload of the archive.
Copy the archive. Note: The WordPress root is normally where your wp-config. Solution 2 PHP Execution There are several items you check if the location where the import installer file is trying to run does not allow PHP execution.
For example an. Solution: Temporarily rename the htaccess file Security Plugin: Some plugins like Wordfence "might" try to block the request. If this is the case try to temporarily disable the plugin to see if it resolves the issue.
Host or Software If the hosting has set the block via server setting the only solution is to ask the hosting to deactivate the block or change hosting On other systems software like Secure have the ability to prevent the execution of PHP files via cPanel settings.
Solution 3 Install Modes In the event your host does not allow for PHP execution in the directories where Duplicator is trying to run the import then you may need to switch to a different Install Mode. After that, just proceed with the install. Patched: Duplicator Pro Version 4. Please update to 4. In general if you cannot run a PHP file it is always a good thing to ask your host. If it is not possible to solve the situation there then the standard install modes are still available.
Remember that if the package you try to install was created in the same place where you install it, the backup restore installation is activated by default, which is practically identical to the recovery point. Issue A I need to restore my site from a crash or other major issue. Before doing so consider that purpose of your restore. For example if your site has been hacked, has crashed or something has gone wrong, what are your options?
Solution 1 Recovery Point Restore This option which is only available in Duplicator Pro and allows users to restore from a specific recovery point or simply a URL link. Solution 2 Manual Restore If you choose to restore a site here are some recommended steps to take. We recommend cleaning out the directory and starting with a brand new database, this way you can be sure the issue you where having before will not show back up due to a corrupted file or database table.
Starting with a clean environment always helps to lower your risk for issues. Follow these steps to restore a site. Clean out Directory: Delete all the exiting files of your WordPress site.
If your not sure contact your host. Its not required but having your host backup all the current files and database is a good idea. Copy Package: Place the archive. Solution 3 Professional Restore Depending on the severity of your site going down there are alternatives you can take before trying to restoring a previous backup. It is recommended to take these approaches first because you won't loose any data that may have been added to your site since the previous backup. In some cases if you do restore of a previous backup that may not fix the issue permanently.
For example in the case of a hacked site if the security patch was not applied to the back up you want to restore then the security breach can easily happen after the site is restored if the threat is not properly identified. Below are some options to consider before trying to restore a site. Hire a professional developer to troubleshoot your issue. Have your site cleaned by a service like WordFence If your in a hurry or not familiar with Duplicator, consider hiring a professional developer.
Issue A Forbidden When browsing to the installer. Solution 2 If you would like to try and fix the issue yourself there are many different techniques you can try, but remember every host is setup differently so some of these options may not properly work on your hosts and others will. Solution 1 Contact Host: This error indicates that your web server is not setup to serve up web pages. If your not familiar with setting up web servers such as Apache, then the quickest way to fix this issue is to work with your hosting provider and tell them you get a at "XYZ" URL.
They should be able to get you up and running in minutes. This is not something the plugin will be able to handle or fix as its a web server configuration issue. Then try to browse out to both of them via a web browser. If neither work then your site is not setup to server from the location at which they are placed. If only the test. If your not sure about how to configure your web server to server from the proper path or serve up PHP files then contact your hosting admin as these are not issues the plugin will be able to fix.
Option 1 Contact Host: The Method Not Allowed is an HTTP response status code indicating that the specified request HTTP method was received and recognized by the server but the server has rejected that particular method for the requested resource. The bulk of responses have to do with how the web server is configured.
The fastest way to resolve this issue is to work with the hosting companies technical support team. Typically what needs to be adjusted is how the web server excepts requests. The server error log on your hosts platform should help the system admin locate the specific request and adjust the server accordingly.
Option 2 Troubleshoot Server If you are familiar with troubleshooting web server issues you might have a look at this detailed troubleshooting guide. Options Web Server: Check to make sure the web server is setup properly. Create a new file named test. Inside the test. Server Logs: Examine the server error log as explained here.
If you don't have direct access to the server logs ask your host support to look for any errors in the logs for you. Permissions: Check the permissions on installer. On most hosts it should be and files should be Be sure to double check with your hosting provider or server admin as to how they want permissions setup on their servers.
Change Browsers: Open another web browser and check for the white screen. If it works in the new browser then it may be a browser cache issue. Config Files: Backup and remove hidden configuration files such as. These files under certain circumstances have have configurations that prevent the installer from running.
Simply remove them from the same directory that the installer. In this case try to rename the file to something else. Using the 'installer. To get around this setup add the following to the top of the installer.
Issue A Lost Password When loading the installer there is a password or archive file input that you don't know or have lost. For the archive file name see the General section. Solution 2 Archive Encryption Passwords are case-sensitive and if lost cannot be recovered.
Please keep passwords in a safe place! If this password is lost then a new archive file will need to be created. Solution 1 Installer Location: The installer. Solution 2 Browser Restarts: These quick solutions can resolve most issues with this notice: Close your browser and browse to the installer. Clear your browser's cache and cookies restart the browser and try to browse to the installer again.
Try a different browser An attempt was made to access the main-installer. Be sure to always start the install wizard by first going to the installer. Once extracted you can browse to the installer-backup. Note: You can rename this file to whatever you want but be sure to delete it after the install process is completed. Instructions on how to manually extract a DAF file can be found here.
Also, make sure the archive has been fully downloaded and then uploaded. The size of the archive on your local machine needs to match the size of the archive shown on the packages screen - if it doesn't try to re-download.
If you are running your sites behind a proxy consider temporarily turning off the proxy then flush your dns cache. If you are running a VPN or firewall software, consider turning off those features temporarily to see if that resolves the issue.
Option 1 On some web servers the server auto-inserts an. After doing that browse to the installer. In some cases you may need to clear your web browsers cache. This will cause issues with the Duplicator because the installer looks for a. Attempt to download the plugin again - it should come down as a single file. The archive should have files such wp-config. To get a raw copy of the archive.
When opening a web browser and browsing to the installer. If you see a bunch of text and code then the web server you placed the installer file on is not setup correctly or the installer file was corrupted when the web server served it up as part of the download process. Below outlines a few different scenarios you might run into when trying to run the installer. For example a similar question using MAMP was found here. For instruction on how to setup your own WordPress server see this article.
There may be others issues you run into. The file at this point should be a normal PHP file. Use backup installer: Another option is to open the archive. Solution 3 Download Prompts: If you browse to the installer and get a download prompt then you may have a. To validate this simply create a blank file called test. If you also get download prompt when browsing to it via a web browser then your web configuration setup is not correct.
Here are a few options: Non-Technical Route: If your not technical or just don't have time to mess around with server setups contact your host and tell them your site is not properly processing PHP files.
They should be able to get you going quickly. Below area few options: In many cases the transfer of the file from one server to another can cause the installer to get corrupted.
Change from ANSI to UTF-8 try to convert from one format to the other and then save the file and then re-upload the installer file to the server to see which version works. Install-Time While the install wizard is being ran. There can be several different causes for the error. Below are some common fixes when using Duplicator. This simply means the host your on is blocking your IP from doing certain operations.
Solution 3 DYI During the install process it is possible that your host might automatically lay-down a. Typically Duplicator works best if no. If your wanting to try and resolve the issue your-self without your hosts assistance then check out the article below: How to Fix Gateway Timeout Error in WordPress Solution 4 Permissions A error in Step 1 processing on Duplicator Lite can sometimes be due to a timeout during zip extraction or on Duplicator Lite or Pro when file permissions are being set.
To get around this, first do a Manual Extraction then uncheck the Files and Directory permissions boxes on Step 1 of the installer. Solution 1 In the event the host you are on has issues with AJAX callbacks the best solution is run a manual install. Notice: The quickest way to isolate this error is contact your hosting provider or server admin. They will be able to monitor the web server logs for clues much quicker that our support staff can with logs only generated by PHP.
Issue A Extraction Issues During archive extraction the process fails or does not work. To quickly determine if the archive is valid try to extract it on your local computer a program such as winzip, winrar, 7zip etc.
If the client program errors during extraction then the archive. Proceed to option 2 if the client side program also errors. If the client side program works without issues then proceed to option 3. Option 2 Validate Download Process: If you transferred via FTP make sure that the FTP client is in binary mode when transferring down to your local box and then also when it's transferring back up to your host or destination server.
If you downloaded straight from the plugin interface then try the download one more time to make sure that the http transfer is clean. Solution 3 These problems usually indicate the web server it not allowing files to be written to the directory. A common solution is to edit the Apache virtual hosts file and include the "AllowOverride All" instruction. On some hosting providers you will have the ability to use multiple extraction engines. By default almost every server will support "ZipArchive", however some hosts also support "Shell Exec Unzip".
If you run into issues during the extraction process try to switch the archive engine from one format to the other. Option 5 Manual Extraction: If for some reason the client side program works fine see step 1 and neither of the archive engines work from step 3 then you may want to try a manual extraction of the archive file.
Option 6 Imunify If your server or host runs Imunify then its possible the software might cause issues with the extraction process. If so consider checking out this FAQ titled How to fix installer validation checks? Option 1 This behavior should NOT happen and is usually caused by either a corrupted zip file or a zip file that was created with filenames that are too long.
Fix 2: Flush the cache in the plugin settings or remove all files from cache directory. Fix 3: Temporarily remove and delete the plugin then create a new package set from the Duplicator.
To validate files are not correctly extracting. Download the package to your desktop and try to manually extract with a desktop program like winrar, winzip or any other zip extracting software. During extraction you will receive and error message if there is a corrupt file in the archive.
Overview On step 1 of the installer a set of validation routines are ran to help discover any possible issues that might arise. The following statues will show based on the state of the issue, with the various color codes. Status Details Pass The check passed and there are no issues detected Notice An issue has been detected however the risk is very low.
Continue with the install process and if you run into issues then consider getting the notice fixed. Warn An issue has been detected and the risk of install issues is high. You may continue with the install, however it is recommended that you address the issue if possible.
Fail A critical issue has been detected and the install will be halted, until the issue is resolved General All checks in this section are detailed in the installer, no additional information is currently needed from the FAQ. File System This section covers all checks related to the file system. If you continue with the install process you may see one of the items listed below in the logs.
Imunify has a feature called "Proactive Defense" which is set to "Kill" by default - it incorrectly views an installer file as malicious so Imunify ends up trashing package installations. After this you should be able to install without an issue. If you want Proactive Defense on your website after the install, you can re-enable after installation is complete. This aspect provides great utility as Python is an easy-to-learn language that others already use for many projects.
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Windows Defender Is it finally the ultimate free protection for your device? The program that recovers what's been lost. Local server environment MAMP is a great free local server environment that has many useful features available after its installation. Cloud syncing MAMP Cloud is a useful tool that lets you back up and saves your data and information, allowing you quick access should anything happen to the files.
Should you download it? It's at the top of the Preferences window. This button is in the middle of the page. Doing so will reset the ports that MAMP uses, which will resolve the port 80 error. Click the Web Server tab. Click Open. This button is near the bottom of the window. Paste the source code document into the folder. Press Ctrl and V at the same time. The source code document will appear in the MAMP root folder.
This will save your settings. Close and re-open MAMP. Click Start Servers. It's on the right side of the MAMP window. Doing so will start the MAMP server with your website's source code and port preferences. Your website should now be live; people will be able to access it by entering your public IP address into a search engine. Unless you pay for a static IP service, your local IP address—and, by extension, your website's address—will change from time to time.
You cannot use your local IP address to view the website from your own network, since entering it will just take you to your router's page. Part 3. Double-click the MAMP setup file. It resembles a brown box. If you receive a warning message that says the file can't be opened, verify the download before continuing.
Complete the MAMP installation process. To do so: Click Continue on each of the first three pages. Wait for MAMP to finish installing. This process will likely take around five minutes. Open Finder.
Click the blue, face-shaped app in your Mac's Dock. Click the folder in which the source code document that you copied or created earlier is located. You may have to click through several folders to get to the document, depending on where you saved it. Copy the document. Click the document to select it, then click Edit and click Copy. Click Applications. This folder is on the far-left side of the Finder window.
Double-click the MAMP folder. It's in the middle of the Applications folder. Double-click the htdocs folder. You'll find this folder in the middle of the MAMP folder. This folder is where your website's resources, including the source code document, go. Paste the source code document into this folder. Click Edit , then click Paste Item. Open MAMP. Click the MAMP icon, which resembles a white elephant on a grey background.
This gear-shaped icon is on the far-left side of the MAMP window. If you receive an error window, first click OK to exit the window.
Click the Set to default button. You'll find this in the middle of the Ports tab. Doing so resets the ports that MAMP uses, which will prevent your website from being blocked by your router's default firewall. Click OK. It's at the bottom of the page.
This saves your settings. Unless you pay for a dynamic IP service, your local IP address—and, by extension, your website's address—will change from time to time. The server where you bought the domain probably offers hosting services but usually at a cost. If you want to do it for free, have your domain redirected to whatever free web service you decide to use for your website. Remember, free sites are limited in the number of pages and can have a lot of ads. On the other hand, hosting your own website as in Method 2 above, or having your site hosted where you bought and keep the domain, allows you to pretty much create as many pages as you want, without any advertising you don't put up for yourself.
Yes No. Not Helpful 6 Helpful Check if you got the IP correct; IPv4 changes once in a while when wireless. Not Helpful 22 Helpful Websites can always be edited, as many times as you like. You just have to go back into whatever you used to create the website, edit it, then republish it.
Not Helpful 11 Helpful What do I do if I did all of the things in the article, but can't connect to WiFi? Make sure your computer has WiFi enabled. If you can't work it out, it would be best to call your internet service provider.
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